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    Microdosing RC

    Certain 'legal' research molecules (RCs) such as 1P-Lysergic acid diethylamide and 1cP-Lysergic acid diethylamide and M.esc are very suitable to start microscopic (scientific) microdosing research. These are legal alternatives for research instead of the 'illegal' lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) amongst other substances.

    Looking for more information? Read our blog post about Microdosing with 1cP-LSD.

    Please note: we are unable to ship these products to countries where the import of these products is not allowed. We don't ship our research molecules to Germany, Austria, UK, Switzerland, Norway, Noord-Ireland, Malta. We don't ship outside the EU. 

    If you do place an order from one of these banned countries, we refund the money without question. 




    It is not possible for us to always be fully informed of the (changing) rules regarding our products abroad. Full responsibility for the purchase of these products, therefore, lies with the customer. Before ordering our products from abroad, the customer must ensure that the goods can be legally imported into the country to which the order must be sent.

    We do not ship this product to countries where this is a controlled substance:

    • Germany
    • United Kingdom
    • Northern Ireland
    • Austria
    • Norway
    • Sweden
    • Switzerland
    • Malta
    • Canary Islands (Spain)
    • Hungary

    These legal substances are intended for microscopic research purposes only and are not approved by the Commodities Act for human consumption. Intended for microdosing researchers only. 

    Microdosing research with 1cP-LSD, 1V-LSD and more

    1cP-LSD (1-cyclo propionyl lysergic acid diethylamide) is a prodrug for lysergic acid diethylamide-25 (LSD) and a derivative of 1P-LSD. Through metabolism in the human body, 1cP-LSD is converted to lysergic acid diethylamide. 

    What is the difference between 1cP-LSD and LSD?

    The difference is that lysergic acid diethylamide is completely finished, whereas, with 1cP, 1P and 1B human metabolism convert the 1cP-LSD into lysergic acid diethylamide. Hence they are called pro-drugs. It may take a little longer for the body to break down the research molecules into lysergic acid diethylamide, but thereafter no significant difference is noticeable. 

    The actual biggest difference is that lysergic acid diethylamide is quite tampered with in its distribution and sale. It is not distributed evenly on the blotter, the amount is incorrect, or it turns out not to be lysergic acid diethylamide at all. This makes buying and consuming lysergic acid diethylamide risky, so always have lysergic acid diethylamide tested or test it yourself with a test kit.

    This is different when we turn to the legal variants. For sale online is more reliable, no need for a test kit. In terms of potency, 1cP is most similar to lysergic acid diethylamide-25. 1P is slightly lighter, and 1B is an even lighter version. 1B is therefore offered as a trip dosage of 125ug (micrograms), while the other 100 ug guarantees a strong trip, or between 10-15 microdoses.

    Since 1cP-LSD is still very new, as with many research molecules, there is no certainty about the risks of this substance. We assume that 1cP works in the same way as 1P and lysergic acid diethylamide and that once metabolized, they behave the same. 



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